Annual General Meeting 2022


Sat 23 Jul 2022 12:00 — 13:00
Tuggeranong Archery Club, 299 Soward Way, Greenway ACT 2900

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Floorball ACT will hold its 2022 Annual General Meeting on Saturday 23 July.


  1. Acceptance of AGM 2021 Minutes
  2. President's Report
  3. Election of Committee members
  4. Other business

All members are strongly encouraged to attend; however, only Senior members, who have held membership for at least thirty (30) days at the time of the meeting, are eligible to vote.

All members are eligible to be elected to the Committee. Non-members may be elected to the Committee, provided they immediately take out Floorball ACT membership (Associate membership, or otherwise). Members wishing to nominate for a Committee position must send their nomination to no later than 12 noon, Saturday 16 July (no second is required). Please see our Policies and Documentation page for a description of the various Committee positions.
